Archive for September, 2019

ET implants, Alien implants are said to be the result of an alien encounter, mostly after the event of an alien abduction. So we’re delving into the subject today and off down another rabbit hole.

1953 saw the film Invaders From Mars, Dr Blake is seen with the contraption near her neck, ready to inject her with the alien implant. In the film they discover that the aliens on Mars are using implants to mind-control kidnapped victims telepathically and if caught they are killed, when the device goes off. I’m not going to go into the story as a whole but this is an early (probably first) video to show this theory off.

Fortean, Peter Rogerson, wrote for Magonia, a British Magazine that was in print from 1979 to 2009. It dealt with Forteana, UFOlogy and contemporary beliefs. He wrote in one article that he believed the concept of these implants could be traced back to March 1957 where Long John Nebel radio show held an interview with UFOlogist John Robinson, who recounted how a neighbour had claimed they were kidnapped by aliens back in 1938 and that they had been kept subdued by ‘small earphones placed behind the ears.

A skeptical investigator, Joe Nickell, believe that there is a far more mundane explanation. There is no mystery, just bits/shards picked up and lodged in the extremities and that this is just a part of normal human movement, they then get covered by scar tissue as time goes on.

Off we go then!’s article on the affair is found via the website ‘wayback machine’. It mentions Joe Nickell’s skeptical analysis and that this is refitted by Derrel Sums, a pro UFO implant theorist who says that they are also real and alien abduction stories are not a result of sleep paralysis.

Sims went on to say that they would not show the signs of infection or injury other medical personnel claim to be present. The implants are inserted with tiny metal tubes and may have different functions, dependent on the reason they were put in. One function would be to be able to trace and identify the abductees, a second function would be to collect chemical, emotional and physiological information which means the study could go on for decades on one subject if left undetected.

You can find an article on Susan Blackmore’s website that was originally published by UFO Magazine Nov/Dec 1997. James Basil claimed that in 1992 at the age of 13 he was subject to a frightening event. He stretched out his hand from his bed and touched another, later he found himself in bed with two aliens stood by it. After this point he then recalled many other strange instances of lights outside his bedroom in Bristol.

He came to Blackmore in 1997 and challenged the sleep abduction theory, he told her that he had challenged her theory as he had removed a device from his mouth and offered her up the implant for further analysis. She sent the small object to the Faculty of Applied Sciences and got speedy replies offering up to help. She went with James to see what they could get, it resulted in an analysis of 40% Mercury, 30% Tin, 16% other materials and other minor breakdowns. The result? It was a dental filling.

Mufon’s website is also good for checking out when I delve into the alien side of our universe and I found a 2013 article that discussed the matter as well.

Dr Roger Leir, 1935-2014, was an investigator of alien implants. He investigated the phenomena and used body imaging studies to locate and remove foreign bodies from people claiming to have been abducted. He would perform the extractions under supervision to test the implants he extracted.

Dr Leir came with good credibility as a certified podiatrist, he was a lecturer and established in his own field. He was not going to profit from the study and really had only his reputation to loose. Was he trying to get implants he already knew about to see if that sort of technology was viable? If so surely he would be better off selling it covertly? And wouldn’t that be one hell of a feat to pull off?

What if implants are real? Scientists can start with a Null Hypothesis, using tests the result can then either be positive or negative. There seems to be presentable evidence from either side depending on your learning and so is it simply a case that you have to believe one argument over the other?

Jeremy Corbell filmed a documentary about Patient Seventeen who had an implant removed. A report from the Hampshire lab found it had rare-earth elements, some that were even toxic to the human body. It also seemed to emit an electromagnetic frequency which may suggest a tracking or communication device.

Corbell was originally skeptical of the handling, then it was handed over to be put under isotopic analysis and they came back to show the ratio of materials was far beyond “terrestrial ratios”, so did that mean the implant (or object) was indeed terrestrial?

Well it’s not been given out for further testing, there was no further sample obtained and so once again I couldn’t get get anything I would consider conclusive to help with this rabbit hole dive.

What do you think? Do you have anything to add?

Wikipedia, Magonia Magazine Archive,, Susan Blackmore website,,,


Duga Radio

If you want my original notes on the matter here they are but I am now going to update a little from the fact that in August (2019) I was lucky enough to get to visit the place directly.

If I get my notes in order properly I believe I will try and do a full write up of the day but I am just updating on the Duga because it was one of the big highlights. The Дугá or Duga-2 (or Chernobyl 2 or Russian Woodpecker) is SO big I cannot simply point out it was large… it is enormous and absolutely wonderful to have seen up close, I don’t know how long it will be standing there because you can see the signs of deterioration all over it but whilst it is there and possible to visit I am glad that people can.

So what else did I learn to add to the original information? Well that the structure likely cost more than putting all four of the reactors online at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant itself.

That the things all over it (pictured below) are known as vibrators, and when the wind did kick up a bit they sort of hummed very slightly. I have pretty good hearing and the sensation of being there and trying to listen was part of the atmosphere.


Workers would have been able to access the higher parts of the structure by elevator, I don’t think I would want to be on top of that thing on a windy or rainy day. I can’t be sure about health and safety in the former Soviet Union era but I can assure you that I’d be strapping myself to anything I could if I was working up there! I was once subject to a grim report about a death in the North Sea when a rigger failed to do it and my imagination took me straight back to that moment and I shuddered…


There were access ladders originally still on the structure but thanks to irresponsible people climbing up they have been removed. They are on the floor as you can see behind the above photo to stop climbers having any form of easy access. I will say I can imagine people still do try but they clearly don’t think of dropping off the mortal coil if they do as just being near it was enough and I am not even afraid of heights as a general rule.


When the wind gets it the whole thing shudders and shakes, you can hear it move and it’s both wonderful and a little jolting at the same time. The sand around the area might well be covering up the radiation underneath and giving additional support to the thing but if it fell I can’t imagine you would get any time to outrun it… You can see it from so far away even with the forest around it and you can hear it humming due to its size, even without power. I commented on my original post about the fact it would interfere with local radio and now I can understand why, how do you even hide that thing from anyone either?

Well they did have that conversation on the ground in the Ukraine and Moscow when Chernobyl’s nuclear incident happened. It was a secret military installation and they knew that officials coming from outside the Soviet Union may well notice it, did they risk driving people through to the zone and set off the geiger counters and the reality of it OR did they fly them over and pray they didn’t notice? Well in the end officials were flown over, the Chernobyl incident was simply more of a pressing matter than the giant station nearby.

There has been a death at the site in more recent years, in November 2017 (a Facebook post on Geostalkers claim it to have been 27th) a 33 year old man and a father of three died when he fell from the structure. The man was Dmitry Shkinder and he came over to the area from neighbouring country, Belarus. (Belarus is also subjected to having an exclusion zone from the 1986 incident and I shall try to do more on that at some point if I can). It was a cold, wet and windyday and he climbed up 15 foot before falling and meeting his end. “Stalkers” and thrill-seekers are being told to stop going on to the grounds, that stealing scrap metal for recycling is dangerous not to mention the haul may well be radioactive!

“That object has seen no maintenance for three decades. Its rusty, some ladders are loose. On that day it was really wet and cold and there was thick fog,” his friend Roman, who was with Dmitry when he died, told a Belarusian TV station. (Rt.Com)

I absolutely loved this place and visiting. I found it a genuine pleasure to be there and see it for myself and I am glad I was so lucky to get to see it.

I went with SoloEast Travel and they were fantastic. I shall hopefully get to write more about my trip in between my other blogs, and if this interested you I am sure there are plenty of other little dives about my posts you can enjoy.

Here are some links to enjoy too:

And my video of what I managed to capture!

The title meaning ‘shared psychosis’ and is a rare disorder when seemingly delusional beliefs are somehow transmitted from one person to another.

A case of this may be cited as that of Ursula and Sabina Eriksson, Swedish twin sisters, born in 1967 who were involved in strange events on the M6 motorway and the subsequent murder of Glen Hollinshead from Fenton, Staffordshire, U.K.

The women had been travelling in Ireland before they came to England, they got on a coach in Liverpool to go to London. Their behavior was odd and the coach driver would not allow them to get on again after exiting it at a service station on the M6.

Highways Agency Traffic officers were called out, the two were seen at the central reservation on the M6 and they ran across the motorway, Ursula dodged traffic but Sabina was struck and the police arrived. Shortly after they did the woman again ran out into the motorway. They now had Ursula with serious leg injuries and Sabina who was unconscious for several minutes due to head injuries. They were both treated by paramedics but both were resisting treatment.

Sabina was shouting out “they’re going to steal your organs” and “I recognize you – I know you’re not real” amongst a stream of profanities. Sabina refused to lay still and even struck a female officer before the public, police and emergency workers all managed to get her and she could be sedated and taken to hospital. Ursula stayed in hospital for several weeks.

Here is where it really seems to have fallen apart, 19th May 2008 Sabina was allowed to go. She was not given a full psychiatric evaluation and she pleaded guilty to her actions, she had been detained long enough supposedly and then headed out with her possessions in clear plastic bag, she was around Stoke-On-Trent and it was assumed she was off to rejoin her sister.

At 7pm that evening she was seen by two local men whilst they were walking a dog. Glenn Hollinshead was a 54 year old welder, he was also a qualified paramedic and former RAF worker. The other man was his best friend Peter Molloy, she seemed friendly enough as they talked but her behaviour seemed odd and so Molloy was uneasy about her.

She asked about a bed and breakfast but Hollinshead took pity on her and offered to let her stay at his place on Duke Street. She explained to them that she was trying to find her sister who had been hospitalized. At the house her strange ways continued, she offered them cigarettes and when they took them to smoke she snatched them back, saying that they were poisonous. She also had multiple phones and a laptop. Her behaviour was very paranoid and Molloy thought that maybe she was trying to flee an abusive partner.

Molloy left just before midnight, Sabina stayed for the evening and the following day he called hospitals to find Ursula. At 19:40 the next evening he borrowed tea bags from his neighbour, Frank Booth, and went back inside. A minute later he staggered back out saying that he had been stabbed by Sabina and Booth called 999.

Sabina had stabbed him five times and fled, she had murdered the person that had given her shelter for seemingly no reason at all. She had, herself, ran from the house in possession of a hammer which she hit herself over the head with and was seen by a passing motorist. The motorist was Joshua Grattage who tried to stop her, Sabina then pulled a roof tile from her pocket and hit him over the head with it. By this time the paramedics had found her and were taking chase, she then jumped 40 feet down from a bridge on to the A50, with broken ones she was finally taken to hospital.

She was arrested 6th June 2008 and charged with murder. The trial was scheduled for February 2009 and had to be adjourned as they had difficulty getting hold of her medical records from Sweden. On 2nd September 2009 Sabina plead guilty with diminished responsibility. There was never an explanation for her actions provided. Whilst seemingly sane in appearance the prosecution and defense used insanity for their case and whilst in prison she turned to Christianity. Ursula went back to Sweden and then went to the USA.

There is a suggestion that the incident was also worsened by the police arrival, the officer is there telling her that he is there to help and even with the damage to her legs Ursula was still trying to get up, she was repeatedly saying that they were not real. Once sedated it seems that Sabina was calmer and more rational, what was found out is that Ursula was the one with the history of mental illness and some wonder if that was transferred to Sabina somehow.

PCP has been put forwards as a possible explanation, a paramedic said that this is not entirely unusual behaviour for the pathology of the drug but that the case is very extreme. A urine test had a potential to pick up the drug but there is no more information for this to go by.

Sabina was released, or at least the Prisoner Location Service states there is no one of that name in custody. This is most likely to have been to protect her so she could be released quietly and resume her life.

The case was also put forwards as evidence for the super soldiers of the MK ULTRA program.

With a lack of information no more is likely to be given about the whole case, what we should remember is that a man died who may not have been if there had been a proper psychiatric evaluation.