Archive for July, 2015

It’s a fairly small area in Kent, England that comes with the title of Most Haunted Village in Britain and has at the least, twelve documented cases of hauntings. There are numerous reports, a history of tragic deaths and a speculation that the high magnetism that occurs in the ground naturally would be a contributing factor to the events.

The Pluckley brickworks are said to be haunted by a screaming man, who died when he was smothered by drying clay that fell on him. So spare a thought for Taylor Jay Smith.

A gypsy named Abigail Nicolas is said to haunt a crossroads bridge, where she used to sell watermelons. She set herself on fire by accident when a pipe spark set her alight and was fuelled by the whiskey she had been been drinking.

When visiting St Nicholas’ Church keep an eye out for the red or white lady, both are Dering family members that are buried in one of the seven lead lined coffins, lying within oak coffins. In the crypt the red lady was buried with a red rose and is searching for her new born son.

A conflict with the tales about the lead and oak coffins gives a similar tale about Kiralee the Dering White Lady, her husband (the Baron) was so distraught by her death that to prevent decay he had her buried in a lead and then oak coffin. Quite why this would lead to a haunting I cannot say but there might be more to the story that I couldn’t find, or again various tales have crossed over.

Still with me? Phew! So as well as this we have Robert Dubois who was a highwayman, he operated just outside at Stuart. He would hide behind a tree, known as Fright Corner, where he would then jump out and stun the victim. It was however a little too predictable after a while and a guard killed him, with a spear that pinned him to the tree. The tree has since disappeared from the location but it is said that Dubois and the tree appear, he then jumps out from behind it. It’s worth noting that I really gave this tale little regard myself as it was handed to us via the notoriously hammy Most Haunted.

Apparently a horse and carriage can be seen or heard going through the village at high speed on Maltmon’s Hill, there is no reason given for it. A monk haunts Greystones and may have been involved with the Lady of Rose court, but again I couldn’t see why this sparked a haunting, there must be more to the story than them simply appearing.

The story of the Colonel has a little more basis though and it is quite sad, the unnamed man travelled to Park Wood near the Village, he committed suicide by hanging himself. He is said to walk about there now, in his military regalia, hence his nickname. He seems quite harmless and often people are not aware at the time that he is a ghost and seem quite surprised to find this out later on.

The Pinnocks house has a windmill nearby and is allegedly haunted by Richard ‘Dicky’ Bus. The mill was closed down in 1930 and was destroyed by lightning. He usually turns up before a storm as a black silhouette. Perhaps he is trying to warn people of the storm?

The lady of Rose Court haunts the house Rose Court and may have been involved with the monk mentioned above as part of some love triangle. She committed suicide by ingesting poisonous berries and between 4-5pm can be heard calling her dogs.

Henry Tuff was once the headmaster of Smarden School, he was friends with Dicky and would visit him Sundays so that they could discuss politics. He went missing one day and was found on the land leading up to the mills were he had hung himself in a tree. His ghost is said to roam that area.

And lastly, yes I swear this is the end now, how about a visit into Pluckley Woods? Dering Woods is apparently also known as the screaming woods, because at night it is said that you can hear the screams of numerous people that got lost and died there.

So if you fancy a trip out do let me know if you experience anything or have in the past.

Paranormal Database Entries.


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Two main legends surround the famous Hun when it comes to the Venetian Lagoon and it’s islands.

Attila’s throne is still there to be admired on Torcello island, between the two churches of Santa Maria Assunta and Santa Fosca. There is a big marble chair on the grass, allegedly it belonged to the mighty leader and he is said to return back there on the odd occasion.

North of Torcello is a little island called Monte Dell’Oro (Mount of Gold). The Huns would move their hauls through the island and one that was laden with gold sank. Paoletti reported that Attilla destroyed Altino and they put the treasures there, they kept the treasures sank in the mud in tanks. The area was then inhabited by refugees who put a Monastery and church there. In the late Middle Ages the area was used to build simple military posts and then in 1848 insurgents built a stronger building, that was used by the Italian Army in the First World War. There is a small remnant of this but other buildings there have long seen been left to decay and no trace remains of them. Until 1994 the island was State owned but is not privately owned and can only be reached there by private boat. 

Attila’s treasure that was gathered via death and destruction is now said to be guarded there by the devil himself. The devil, disguised as a black cat, can be seen on the island if you try to go after the gold. 


Also known as The Island of the Dead, it is run by the NYC Department of corrections and to visit you’d need to be either a convict, worker or a family member of someone that is buried on the island, and even family members are heavily supervised. Tresspass also leaves violators with a heavy fine and up to two years of imprisonment.

Hart’s Island was a POW camp for four months during 1865, 235 confederate soldiers died on the island. In 1870 it was a yellow fever quarantine station for New York and then in 1885 there was a women’s insane asylum which still stands today, and there was also a boys reformatory. Then in World War 2 it was handed to the Navy and it has also been used as a prison, TB Sanatorium and drug rehabilitation centre.

So all of this aside the Island has also been used for another purpose, the disposal of the dead for those that cannot be funded for a proper burial. 850,000 people have been buried there in mass graves and the number is not likely to stop.

Most of the people that are buried there died as unknown, unclaimed bodies. The homeless, mentally ill, alcoholics, transients, and other unfortunates from the minors to elders reside in the trenches and with such a gloomy history it’s not surprising that stories of the haunted come from the land.

A trench at the potter's field on Hart Island, circa 1890 by Jacob Riis

Manaton, Devon in the UK is a mound of grass that’s got the colloquially known Jay’s grave upon it. It’s through to be the resting place of a suicide from the 1700’s situated in the region of Dartmoor. It is a bit of a tourist trap for ghost hunters too these days.

Kitty Jay was denied a burial spot on consecrated grounds to to the religious laws about ‘self-murder’. Like many suicides in the past she was then buried at the crossroads to try and prevent the restless and confused spirits not being able to find their way into the afterlife.

Fresh Flowers often appear at the grave, some say delivered by pixies, but at least one human being has been involved. The author Beautrice Chase used to leave her flowers before her death in 1955. Other votive offerings include candles, coins, shells, crosses and toys.

Motorists have apparently had glimpses of ghostly figures in their headlights and some report seeing a dark hooded figure kneeling at her grave. It seems that fresh-flowers may have stopped in more recent years and silk ones more often appear, perhaps because they last longer as an offering.

So I rarely try to pick current things that are still likely to come out of the woodwork with more but I’ve decided that since I have read a fair bit about it,why not? Where applicable I have linked in as much as I can.

So many of us gamers like a weird addition to our day, the old creepy ones that are indie-made can become very popular. Take Slender Manor Kraven Manor as a couple of examples of this. Games that you can play free and add to your youtube channel etc. So when Sad Satan came up naturally it was going to be played if people could get hold of it…

There’s just one snag, footage of it appears to be rare to find and in fact the first set appeared to be by a youtuber ‘Obscure Horror Corner‘. I am subscribed and he seems happy to play lots of these types but Sad Satan came up and people asked why and where it was coming from.

The basic claim is this, via the Tor/unlisted Surface web down where the bad stuff goes came this game. The game has many references to what we would consider the terrible side of humanity, such as references to Charles Manson, graphic real life horror stock and weird sound-bites (there’s also rumour of child pornography and I am NOT going to look into any of it for this reason).

OHC claimed that he was playing the game and filmed some of it, he then deleted the games and links. The link he said is now a dead one. This story was picked up by the website Kotaku where it gave the information from Jamie (OHC) but later on the supposedly given link was questioned about it’s validity. The reason for this (I am no guru here just summarising) is that the game link had a letter 9 in the link thread, but the way they work for .onion links there is that the digit 9 makes it a false or invalid link.

Not long after the website 4Chan had a user that claimed they had provided the original link to OHC and they gave a link, naturally people of the curious nature went a little click happy downloading it. They found that the files contained some graphic pictures and the aforementioned CP (I feel a little queasy writing that let alone anything else). So there come more stories about it affecting computers to the point of needing to rebuild their windows etc. or strange files occurring.

In response to the link going up OHC responded via Otaku that he had provided the broken link to avoid people downloading the files, that clearly contained content that was not legal or was in fact dangerous to the PC. The scepticism remains given this information and others, they wonder if he hadn’t just done this to prolong his hoax. So far there seems to be a cleaned up version that was made by reddit use /u/blindstark that has been made available for download and removed all the graphic images. To download the cleaned up version a user needs the terror engine and link.

Here is the information if you really want to get a copy

So in fact it seems that the general consensus is that someone created the game, when it was challenged he released a far worse version upon the unsuspecting crowd.

Why is this of interest? Well let’s be honest, if you are reading this you are probably already a curious individual and aware of how these things can end up as their own meme. Look at Slenderman as a comparison for how a story can become something engrained in fact, the lore was birthed and watched on the internet by an avid crowd. This appears to be similar though it’s entire motivation has yet to be (or may never be) resolved.


Within the gameplay there are various components, suggesting to me that the creator rather likes the curious as well as the gross. In the first of OHC’s video’s the Numbers Station creation is used, the Swedish Rhapsody. Then part of it is from a song by Lynch Mob, KMFDM which was supposedly the favourite station of the Columbine Shooters. The last one on the first clip is a man talking in Russian which has been reversed and again is a Numbers Station ‘RussianMan‘. I can’t help but think the numbers station thing is more because there’s no one likely to claim copyright on them and they can make an eerie effect for noise. And finally his first clip ends with the use of a Led Zeppelin song, Stairway to Heaven.

On the second part most of the audio seems to be a speech by Hitler that has been slowed down, alongside further use of Stairway to Heaven. The third part uses the phrase “If I started murdering people, there’d be none of ya left” which is part of an MSNBC interview with the notorious Charles Manson. There is also further use of this interview. The other audio source appears to be use of a Chinese song, I love Benjamin Tienanmen, possibly due to being a loose reference to the controversy of Tienanmen Massacre.

So part four audio, not a great deal more in here again but there is a reversed speech from Johnny Rotten, The Sex Pistols, this links into the idea that he was aware of the Jimmy Saville scandal way back in the day. After that is more audio that sounds like an English man in an interview, having listened to it, it sounds like someone saying “Do you think you can just wake me up?” probably Rotten himself, it sounds similar enough. The other part of the audio is that there is someone sobbing/crying and then again it plays more Stairway to Heaven.

The fifth and final part (so far or possibly the end) uses a slowed down audio of Simon and Garfunkel’s song Scarborough Fair, the next one that is used appears to be a reversed and slowed down version of the Doors song, Alabama Song. Finally another and the last bit identified is that of Jimmy Saville, now more famous for being announced as using his status as a celebrity to engage in under-age sexual acts, amongst other allegations. The extract is an interview, it is here he points out a quote “Haven’t broken any laws have you? None whatsoever “ which given the events is pretty creepy.


In the first part there is an image regularly used, of a photograph by Walter Sanders taken of Franz Joseph, 9th Prince of Thurn and Taxis. Other than being a little creepy thanks to the antlers there’s really nothing more to it. Most of the video other than that is exploration. 

In the second part we see an image of JFK before he was shot, there is however reference to the president in regards to loose conspiracy theorists/claims etc. of paedophilia. (Again merely a speculation I have seen come up about the CIA covering this up). An image by photographer Roger Ballen, “Shadow Chamber” is used showing a picture of a child that has their head in their clothes giving a strange impression they are headless. The collection itself is really very interesting – Roger Ballen. 

Jimmy Saville with Margaret Thatcher is seen in another image used, Saville was an English DJ and was also in a show called ‘Jim’ll Fix It’ where he arranged for children’s dreams to come true. Sadly it was seen that he was not always the thing of dreams, facts came to light afterwards that were nightmare fuel. Over 450 people had made complaints about his conduct and Thatcher had tried to get him knighted whilst she was Prime Minister, alongside the idea that she was directly involved in the cover ups. So again the image links into the idea of child abuse. (again if you want more Reddit user Hyper_Reality used sources in their discussions).

In the video the words In Nomine Dei Satanas Luciferi Excelsi show up, this is effectively translated as a In the name of our god Satan, Lucifer on high. Effectively this has been cited as part of a Black Mass ritual. This seems to be more an extract simply lifted because it either sounded cool or they wanted to throw in a bit more of the underground culture vibe. In all honesty the Sad Satan idea seems to be a reason to vaguely link it and nothing more.

The third video provides more, so there are some bits of coded text that were translated into “I can track you”, “U are on my list” and “5 victim” (citation was reddit user Cyberham) and seems to be a suggestion to some that the game has been made with a coded ability to follow and track a user that downloads it, and also that the number 5 is to do with the Satanists of Ash Tree Close. In regards to this it is sometimes also mentioned that Jimmy Page (Stairway to Heaven etc) was was somehow involved.

Are you still reading? I know there’s a lot here isn’t there? So part four then gives an image of Rolf Harris, another man who was brought to the forefront about child molestation charges. For anyone that is in my age generation we grew up with both Saville and Rolf Harris on TV, to see the news was quite an intrigue. I always did find Saville a bit creepy… anyway moving on! He is in the image there and again that’s a strong theme throughout the videos currently available.

In another frame we see Lady Justice, perhaps this is the image that is supposed to be there to point out the abhorrent themes and nature of those things in the game. The idea that this one flashing image offsets the rest, if I am honest, is pretty pathetic but the flash frame does provide at least some incite to the idea that the themes are morally and legally outrageous.

Part Five – it seems very strange that in the fifth one we get an image of Andres Escobar who was famous because he was shot and killed after shooting an own goal back in a football (Soccer) match in the USA. After his death his family started to teach disadvantaged children to play soccer under his name, I don’t know if this is supposed to link to the idea of there being good people for children or the creator is trying to put a sinister light on it.

Further into the last part that got uploaded, there was a picture of Roman Polanski who was arrested for the rape of 13 year old Samantha Geimer, in 1977.

One last image that was involved is that of druids, now this I think might be linked to some of the suggestions that the druids may well have been involved in cannibalism and child sacrifice. Since the links involved mostly seem to include anything to do with child scandals this is where I presume the link comes in.

Recent evidence that Druids possibly committed cannibalism and ritual human sacrifice—perhaps on a massive scale—add weight to ancient Roman accounts of Druidic savagery, archaeologists say. Article this was in is Druids Committed Human Sacrifice, Cannibalism? James Owen, National Geographic News. Related TV show Secrets of the Druids, 2009.

Summary so far?

Honestly this is probably a lovely hoax written by someone with an eye for a little artistry, and who has spent a little time getting to grips with the Terror Engine. It’s a creepy little thing made more intriguing because the OHC poster claims it came from a site not found on the surface web.

Now to make things a little easier to understand on that level = this doesn’t mean it’s going to be a criminal activity it is more that pop culture and popular opinion sees it that way, thanks to news releases about things like Silk Road being closed down over drugs. Quite often the reason these things are so darkly alluring is because we truly do not understand it, much like medicine in the dark ages, so it frightens us. We assume a great deal of things, ALL of it must be bad, because SOME of it is listed as bad. Not the case… there’s a lovely site there about over 2000 cat facts. Yes it’s open to abuse, clearly, but there’s also a reason it might not be listed that is more mundane, it was never listed to be found there.

Of course now that someone has either created it via a replication of the video’s seen and it has gained interest the abuse factor raises. Downloading the links you see on forums can do one of two things… give you a game that has some files in with with disgusting pictures for the sake of it, OR probably filled with malware and other things to attack your PC. So in summary you can download it at your own risk, but the link I gave above appears to be the safest one so far.

So what facts do we actually have?

  1. OHC has five videos claiming to have found the game, he hasn’t got the original downloaded and yet released videos after the claim he had, either he was editing them or it’s false. Given that there seems to be no editing in the games this might raise suspicion.

  2. The links now found are pretty much the one above from a reddit user that cleaned up the files he downloaded for folks and the other one with CP images and gore.

  3. The overall theme is definitely about children, you could say they might be a victim of this theme or perhaps more disturbingly just find this a great fuel to get people interested, and you know what it has? I mean here I am writing it up as an example.

  4. The Deep Web/Invisible Web blah blah makes it more of a talking point, if it was just uploaded it would likely have even garnered a fraction of this interest.

  5. It actually looks boring… sorry I have to be the one to say this. All my interest was going on about how it might end up being shocking but other than images and loud noises the overall theme is pretty poor, the game has zero direction in the extracts provided so what exactly happens at the end? It seems like someone created an exploration game and threw in as much dodgy dark-subculture as they could to get a rise.

  6. If you are the creator and went to all these lengths to troll and get attention, I say hats off sir/madam. Achievement unlocked.

Got any comments or views on the matter? I’d really love to hear them and if you have got the end then sure send me information. Want to keep yourself anon from posters? Send me an e-mail