Archive for January, 2019

Anatoly Moskvin hit the news in 2011, for a rather bizarre and disturbing set of criminal charges. He was arrested in connection with a series of grave desecration events in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Moskvin’s occupation was as a local historian and cemetery explorer. He is said to speak 13 languages and described as a ‘genius’ but it seems he had something odd in his home.

His house contained 29 life-sized dolls made from various female corpses in mummified states. The dolls were brightly dressed and their faces and limbs were covered in cloth. At the point the details were released it was not clear is each body/doll had actual remains in each one and I couldn’t see much in the way of a follow up, but the police and teams involved likely have a hard job of identifying all of them.

In the flat the investigators found the photographs and nameplate taken from headstones, instruction for making dolls and maps of cemeteries in the region. Shoes found in his home matched footprints found in the cemeteries and it is reported that he singled out Muslim Graves.

Lonely? Disturbed? Moskvin was caught out and no doubt this bizarre story will yield more details in the future but for now it is a curious psychological piece, what was he aiming at in the end if anything at all?

There we go a creepy tea break read!

When I googled Siberian discs it started to lead me off to the Dropa Stones but I could not find anything concrete or really new to go into that, so I turned my attention to something more recent

Volgograd, Russia saw something interesting that I have picked on, it is a place famous for the Battle of Stalingrad and has quite a few tourist attractions. Volgograd Oblast is also the region and it is in the region that a team of Russian investigators found more than a dozen stone discs, the claim from the team said that there was tungsten inside an in 2015 they were saying that the origins for them remains a mystery.

The report came from Bloknot Volgograd, Russian news site and says that the finding was made by a group called Kosmopoisk, led by Vadim Chernobrov. Kosmopoisk are a Russian UFO and cryptozoology group and they were in the Zhirnovsky area as it is said to be known for its mystical phenomenon.

Chernobrov told the newsite that they’d found a similar similar one 2 metres in diameter at Kuzbass and some researchers are quite adamant that the tungsten is part of the indication that UFO’s and aliens exist. One of those proponents is Scott Waring of UFO Sightings Daily (via

I’m going to say that if I had more time I think I could get lost on his site following links and different UFO subjects on there. Scott Waring concludes on the site that they might have been military drones like alien/UFO ones he had previously picked up on as present around Mars.

So I’m off on a rabbit hole again. I looked up the post on the original site, presented on 09.09.15 and it has pictures of the recovery of the stones with the locals watching the excavation. They say that they are sending them to Zhirnovsky Museum of local lore, to date the stones and here is where I rolled my eyes a bit. leap in on the 14th September, 2015, to proclaim the ‘initial’ geological analysis puts their age at over 1 million years old. The other claim that it has been known for mythology and folklore also comes from a statement from Chernobrov. So, so far all links back to this one group and I am still sat digging … I tend to want to see more when I start on these blogs, and if you are reading I will tend to presume that you feel the same.

I went back to Kosmopoisk, Vadim Chernobrov’s own site would not go through my firewall and caused my internet a small apoplectic fit so I backtracked again. is a very details site and my Russian just isn’t strong enough to navigate it, along with google translate not really helping I think someone native or more educated would be better off taking a look.

So moving on I found another article on from 29th August 2017, about how another disc had been discovered by a Russian mining company. This time they explain Boris Elazkov found the object 40 metres underground, it looks artificially crafted and dated at around 10,000 years old.

The article goes back to mention the Volgograd artifacts, it mentions the Kuzbass disc as well and it mentions in there how tungsten is a military grade used metal and it asks readers if perhaps they might be representations of extra-terrestrial spacecrafts and not spacecrafts themselves.

So schools of thought, UFO’s and musing all came to be discussion points, sometimes the comments on articles or these discussions one quite enlightening. On Bloknot-Volgograd there is a comment from a man, Michael, who basically states that knowledge of the local area would tell you it’s formerly an area that was the sea and they are likely just pebbles in his view.

Assaultsweb forums also had a discussion thread about it and they said that tungsten is known to be quite prolific in the area, that similar disc objects had been found in China. Another comment says that they looked like something from their local coal mines called kettle bottoms and just considered natural things.

So are they UFO’s, carvings of them or just naturally eroded stones?

Sources:, wikipedia,,,,,,

Picture below is actually of Yorkshire Peak District but thanks to copyright and paranoia of Article 13 I don’t think I best link the ones they used!
