Posts Tagged ‘clicks’

Ten years ago, I started my blog thanks to a friend’s suggestion. I have posted semi regularly here as often as I could and enjoyed looking into all sorts of mysteries but what have you all found the most interesting? Well for a start 58,855 clicks went to my humble home page ready for you to start the rabbit hole!

I must also apologise if when you are clicking through you get links that are defunct etc, I must admit the internet being fluid means that things can die like that.

I also want to thank people that send me corrections and updates!

It seems that many of you like to investigate the oddity that is the home-made android, Tara, and her singing. This LINK is my most visited. I tried to keep a fair and just summary of everything I had found and I hope that you continue to enjoy it or anything else I bring to the table. I tried to also debunk some misinformation and centralise a lot of random bits of information and rumours that came about from the internet.

It seems you also like the WKCR Hijacking, LINK, and this one is a fun audio dive, but it really is very loud on the ears so be warned. Someone also used my initial look into this and wrote a great follow up so if you want another look on it you can visit them HERE. I would encourage it as they are actively keeping up their search.

I also found out you like my Jeff the Killer LINK – which came as a bit of a surprise. I wasn’t very positive about the actual story, but perhaps that has helped you to remain interested in it? I, again, tried to debunk some of the silliness around it and if you like the story, I am sorry if I caused you to shake your head at me.

You also seem to find my look at the Sad Satan Mystery, LINK, that was all over the viral internet back in 2015. Wow five years have passed by since that all-consuming rumour and dark web intrigue flooded my social media but I did think it was a fun dive at the time.

And the last of the Top Five for my most visited comes in as Byberry Mental Hospital, LINK, which is a demolished place but has an interesting history. Another lovely blog linked me and I can’t help but think their traffic has generated some for me, I am very grateful to them. (Visit them here)

So really, I just wanted to thank you! From my odd travel reviews, to the deep dives on things like Jack the Ripper and Vampires etc you’ve been here for ten years with me. If you have any suggestions or corrections, I am happy to hear them. I hope you all stay safe!

(Picture taken in 2019 at Pripyat, Ukraine when I humbly got the chance to visit.)