Posts Tagged ‘Fayeteville’

I went through this station myself so that’s the reason for this small but quite entertaining little story. I was on Amtrak to get to friends for Thanksgiving and thanks to Shadowlands (google them they are great) found this little tale.

 The Subway at the train depot in Fayetteville, North Carolina is said to have its own spooky goings on. Randomly whilst there either day or night there is a chance you will see a man in an orange shirt on that vanishes without a trace. Apparently there have also been calls to an old time phone and whispering or whistling has been heard when dining but no one else has been around.

Now don’t just plan to stick to spook spotting salad side, there’s a ghost on the Railroad Tracks too who has been reported from the 1700’s. The Vander Light as he has been named is a ghost of a man who went out on the train for a smoke, the train slammed on the brakes and fell off. It was a grizzly end to the man who had his head cut off, apparently if you go down to the tracks there is sometimes a lantern seen but it’s actually the man looking for his head. If you get close he disappears.

 I didn’t find anything spooky about the area; then again I was probably super tired from travelling for the best part of two days. It was very late at night and the area was still manned by wonderful staff, I also found the local taxi driver there to be a great help at learning where all the various places were. No ghosts for me on my trip I’m afraid.