Posts Tagged ‘Full Spectrum Ghost Hunters’

In Connecticut, USA things are supposedly quite interesting at the Deep River Public Library. It was the home of a prominent man in Deep River over 100 years ago. The house was built in 1881 by Richard Spratt Spencer, he owned a manufacturing company that dealt in the ivory trade and served as both treasurer and president of the Deep River National Bank, and was a state senator. He lived in the house until his death in 1910 with his second wife and their three children. The Library brought the property in 1930 and remains essentially the same minus some additions, it has the original windows and wood mouldings and the ghosts are only found in the old original sections.

A staff member had shut down all lights for the night, leaving only the one on at the circulation desk where she was standing and she had the feeling that she was not alone. The experience is one that she is not alone in either…

Since 2004 various ghost hunters and mediums have been over to the Main Street library in an attempt to investigate strange goings on. Some of those investigating feel that they have experienced such things and amongst the presences they have felt those of two females, one in their teens and one in their 50’s. The library was once the residence’s kitchen and the original wood-burning stove from 1877 is still in there, where local investigators feel they captured two spirits.

The library’s assistance director was eating her lunch one day and was the only person present, she heard someone in another room, like that of someone clearing their throat. She went to check and found no one was there.

Michael Dionne, founder of Full Spectrum Ghost Hunters explained in an interview that I found online, only one percentage of investigated cases are paranormal. They plan to investigate it using measures like Electromagnetic field sensors, it has been established that interference in the fields can bring on paranoia, nausea, skin irritations and hallucinations and may not necessarily reflect paranormal activity. (So he seems a rational investigator I hope.)

If nothing else it attracts visitors to the library, which this blogger thinks is a good thing. Libraries are a ‘haunt’ of mine, they have books! I don’t mind the digital age but there is still something very appealing about opening the pages of a book and sitting down to read.