Posts Tagged ‘Tao’

Traversing the Three Gorges of Yangtxe River, starting from Chongqing, you will come to Fengdu, a ghost town between the county of Zhong and Peling with over 2000 years worth of history. It is placed by the foothill of the mountains by the river. There are 75 Buddha and Tao temped and most of them are gathered on a famous hill named Ming Mountain.
The legends state that Ming Mountain is one of the 72 graveyards for Taoism, when people die Taoists believe spirits gather together at these places. The temples on the hill were built during Western Jin Period, 265-420 AD, and rebuilt in the Ming and Ch’ing  Dynasty. (1386-1911AD). Fengdu is the only ghost city in China, there are temples all over the mountain with many statues. In the “spirit world” where they will gather there are a series of super beings in the temples They all have their own responsibility as they guard the spirit world.
3rd March to 15th of the lunar calendar months, there are livelly temple fair days. During those days there will be a lof of interesting spirit shows in the streets which attract tourists and believers. It has a great country forest park “Shuang Gui Shan”, Guiwang stone carding is one of the finest in the world and the area also hosts the most Han Tombs in China (graves from 206BC – 219AD). When travelling this appears to be a place not to miss!
It’s believed that Fengdu gained it’s reputation from two super beings, Wing Fangping and Yin Changsheng, both became super beings in Pingdushan, Fengdu. Their stories attract many believers and it’s said they merged the family names to become Yin Wang, meaning Ruler of Hell. Therefore it is a terrible and mystical place.
Li Bai, poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in his poam “it is interesting that all the people will be a citizen of Fengdu one day”. The fantastic novel “Journey to the West” also has vivid references to the city.
Nothing-To-Be-Done-Bridge: This was built during the Ming Dynasty and is a bridge that connects the real world and nether world. It is a testing point for good and evil, and according to legend is composed on three identical stone arches. The middle is for testing people, there are different tests depending on age, gender and marital status. Virtuous people would pass over without obstacle, evil people fall into the pool below and the other two arches from gold and silver are encouraged to be passed through bu visitors, they will bring good fortune.
Tianzi Palace: with 300 years of history covering 2908sq yards it has a temple gate (paifang) and the palace itself. The gate is an archway made of wood and stone reaching nearly 33 feet in height. It is located in the centre of the Ghost City and is the oldest of the temples on the Ming Mountain. The third test to avade hell takes place at the large stone in front of the gate, the ghost stands at the stone for thee minutes and a good person can do this, an evil person cannot. An evil person would then be sent to hell.
In 1985 the Home Tower was built, this structure is for the spirits that are consigned to hell. Here they are able to take one last look at their families.